Monday, 22 November 2010

Sick joke...

This morning I was already in a negative mindset insofar that it was raining, my bus was late and when it did arrive it was packed requiring me to stand precariously holding my bag and soggy umbrella whilst trying (and failing spectacularly) to maintain some level of balance in a dignified fashion!  This late arrival unsettled my routine (I get great comfort from habitual organisation) and so I was far from pleased to be greeted upon my arrival at the train platform with the sight of one of the NHS Crew vomiting on the station platform.

Whilst it is unfortunate that he was feeling unwell (though admirable that he soldiered on and was heading to work) I found the whole episode entirely unacceptable!  To set the scene, he was sat on a bench, in close proximity to the station toilets, sipping a hot beverage and perusing a copy of the day’s free newspaper – when seemingly out of nowhere, he projects what I can only assume was his breakfast (given its undigested state) mixed with presumably the contents of his hot beverage across the station platform.  Without batting an eyelid, he nonchalantly took another swig from his drink and continued to read the paper leaving a mixed state of anger, concern and pity for those around.

Call me old fashioned but at least some level of embarrassment on his part was called for!  If not for being an adult allowing themselves to vomit in a very public place (presumably able to judge whether they feel unwell or not and able to seek the refuge of the lavatory readily on hand), then certainly for getting said vomit on the shoes, bags, coats and trouser legs of those around.  His total lack of acknowledgement for what had just occurred was simply astonishing!  Another of the NHS Crew saw fit to bundle him off to the toilet (presumably to at least ensure he had finished and rinse his mouth thoroughly before boarding the train) and had the good grace to look sheepish on behalf of his friend.

The ensuing commotion from those unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of the splatters ensured that I was unable to get my usual prime platform position when the train arrived, resulting in a rear facing squashed journey in to the office this morning.

Needless to say, not the best start to my week and I hope it isn’t a sign of things to come…


  1. That's pretty vile, I don't have that to put up with on my journey to work at least!

  2. That's almost unbelievable! If I HAD a job, I might have thought of blogging about the characters I encountered on my way to work - top idea :) Where do you work? I presume that's confidential!!

    And, thankyou SO much for your kind comments about my blog - they're so much appreciated! :)

  3. Pps: Ignore that - you're in Leeds, like me - I just checked your profile (duh)...try Headingly train station last Monday - I was blown by gale force winds and whipped with icy rain within an inch of my life ;)

  4. Unacceptable behaviour. Any vomit created should be cleared. Smell distinctive. Impossible to ignore.

  5. Wow! I would definately be in shock about his lack of acknowledgement too! Definately not something I would want to see on my way to work. I see some pretty nasty stuff at work but it's kinda part of the job so it's easier to deal with.

  6. Horrible occurrence, hilarious recounting!

  7. Hahaha, funniest post I've read in ages. :D
